Tag: winners
Announcing the 2015 Monstey Award Winners!
The Humans Were the Winners this Hug A Monster Day: A 2014 Recap
Hug A Monster Day 2013 Photo Winners Announced!

Photo Winner 2013: Congratulations to Little Miss Barlow, the 2013 winner of the prestigious Hug A Monster Day Photo Contest! In addition to her mention here, Miss Barlow will receive a limited-edition SML bumper sticker for her monster truck, bicycle, or little red wagon – whichever is most applicable. Hug…
277. Monsters Like Outdoing Humans at their Own Ideas

The SML Monstey Award is a prestigious accolade presented annually each Spring to those unlucky enough to receive our attentions. Awards are presented to “celebrities” – real or imagined – who the SML minions believe are worthy of recognition for their contributions to horror film and horrible culture. The first…