Tag: Thanksgiving
418. Monsters Like Complicated Family Relationships

It’s November, which means we now have the privilege of listening to you whiny humans complain about having to see the in-laws over the holidays. Oooh. You poor puny mortals and your family squabbles. You think you have you disagreements with your families. Why—because you’ve been arguing for 10 years…
373. Monsters Like Making Old Family Recipes

Recently, a couple was charged with making human empanadas at their Lovett-like food shop in Brazil. While the attached recipe somehow calls for ground turkey and avocado cream, I couldn’t help thinking about the fresh kidney and tongue puff pastries that mama used to make. We’d all crouch around the…
292. Monsters Like Feeding the Arachnids
87. Monsters Like Cleaning the Bones
Turkey’s Revenge – A Thanksgiving Review of “Blood Freak”

There are not many Thanksgiving horror movies. It’s like the forgotten holiday of spooky splatter films. We sent the SML Haunted Mansion and Blog Laboratory minions to find a Thanksgiving themed horror movie all the monsters could enjoy. We expected them to bring back “Home Sweet Home” or “Thankskilling.” But…