Tag: Texas Chainsaw Massacre
389. Monsters Like Preserving the Memories of Loved Ones
331. Monsters Like Family Time With Grandpa
Celebrity Interview: R.A. Mihailoff

R.A. Mihailoff is a lifelong horror lover and longtime horror actor. He is best known for playing the title role in “Leatherface: Texas Chainsaw Massacre III,” and is more recently recognized for his head-splitting role in “Hatchet II.” Mihailoff recently appeared as a guest at the second annual Mad…
141. Monsters Like Leather Masks

Everyone likes putting together their Halloween costumes. Little kids dress up like their favorite Disney princesses and Marvel heroes. College girls try to find that delicate balance between skimpy and slutty. Grown-ups aim for humor, couples’ costumes, or just something creepy enough to frighten those pesky neighborhood kids from down…