Tag: party
511. Monsters Like Being the Life of Your Halloween Party
GeekOut Kick Off Party and Artist Demos at ZaPow!

This year’s GeekOut kick off party is scheduled to be held at ZaPow!, Asheville’s premier location for creative receptions and the only illustrative studio and art gallery in the Southeast. The party will feature art, music, and free local beer in ZaPow’s signature fashion. Several demonstrating artists will also be…
303. Monsters Like Halloween-themed Snacks
It’s official. Playing with your food definitely makes it taste better. Playing with food is especially fun when you turn ordinary items into spooky snacks that even the most daring may be afraid to eat. More than decorations, more than clever costumes, more than that witches brew that helps get…
302. Monsters Like Haunted Hayrides
301. Monsters Like Spiking the Punch
299. Monsters Like Throwing Killer Parties
October Will be One Giant “Party” on SML

The holiday season has begun! It’s Monster Christmastime – otherwise known as Halloween season. Each year, Stuff Monsters Like enjoys creating a theme around which to write our posts. This year, you lucky humans will have the pleasure of reading posts written about our best theme yet: Monster Parties for…