Tag: in the bedroom
464. Monsters Like When the Lights Go out in Your Bedroom, and Your Mind Swiftly Remembers Every Single Horror Movie You’ve Ever Seen, and Suddenly, Like Magic, All the Creepy Horror Characters are There in Your Room, Standing in the Corner, Waiting for You to Fall Asleep
Every Girl Crazy ‘bout a Sharp Dressed Monster: Our “Best of” Monster Fashion (part 1)
236. Monsters Like Crawling Over Furniture
110. Monsters Like Bedwetters
58. Monsters Like Active Sex Lives
9. Monsters Like Vintage Bed Sheets

Every disembodied spirit has needs. Children to scare. Places to haunt. Clean, white bed sheets for attire. But in the last several decades, finding the proper, plain linens has become difficult. Would you be frightened of an invisible spirit wearing a bed sheet decorated with Luke Skywalker? What about the…