Tag: Asheville
2012 Asheville Zombiewalk Makes the News
Carouse in costume: This weekend offers two opportunities to eat and drink in silly clothes SML’s Head Monsters, Jim and Sarah, helped coordinate the 2012 Asheville Zombiewalk. In this Mountain Xpress article, Sarah G talks about what to expect at the event. Thanks to the Mountain Xpress for their coverage…
New Vampire Tour in Asheville, NC, and Travel Channel Gets “Paranormal Paparazzi”
Forget “Paris of the South.” Asheville, NC may soon be known as the “Transylvania of Appalachia.” Joshua P. Warren, Asheville resident and internationally renowned paranormal investigator, has a few new projects up his sleeve that could put the city on the map again, but this time for something a little…
New Asheville Exhibit is “Dia de los Muertos”-themed
Hug A Monster Day 2012 – A Monster of a Recap
Every year on July 27th, monsters, demons, and psychotic freaks across the galaxy celebrate a holiday in honor of themselves – Intergalactic Hug A Monster Day. This year, Asheville residents braved the streets of downtown to attend a Hug A Monster Day celebration at ZaPow! studio and gallery. The afternoon…
HAPPY HUG A MONSTER DAY!: Send Us Your Photos – Win Awesome Prizes and Attention!
Today is the day! Mutants, beasts, and horrible freaks all around the galaxy run rampant every year on July 27 in celebration. Intergalactic Hug A Monster Day is the only holiday reminding all of humanity and peace-loving extraterrestrials to embrace the monsters in their lives – whatever they may be.…
Celebrating Hug A Monster Day in Asheville, NC? We’ve Got You Covered!
GeekOut 2012: The Place to Be for Monsters, Heroes, Villians, and Innocent Townspeople
This year on May 11-12, there’s one more reason to love Asheville, NC. The home of “The Hunger Games” now hosts GeekOut 2012. GeekOut is a FREE multi-genre convention showcasing and celebrating the best of animation, art, comics, costuming, film, and gaming from Horror, Sci-Fi, and Superhero genres. The convention…