Category: Stuff Monsters Like
These posts are related to stuff monsters like. Imagine that….
30. Monsters Like Poor Camera Work

Say “Cheese”. For decades, monsters have been falling over themselves to jump out, pop up, or cross paths with inebriated photographers. Monsters love appearing in photos. They’re divas. They’re Prima Donnas. Nothing makes a lake monster or a mammoth-footed hairy ape creature come running faster than pulling out a camera.…
29. Monsters Like to Stop, Drop, and Roll

Humanity’s first line of defense against roaming monsters is usually to shoot them. It doesn’t take these silly people long to realize that most monsters are immune to bullets. The second choice to save Glendale from monsters is to trap the beasts in an old, run-down, dried-out, wooden building and…
28. Monsters Like Creating an Apocalypse

Aside from stamp collecting and rowing crew, working to destroy the universe is a monster’s favorite pass time. And every monster worth his weight in slime knows that a definite first step to destroying the universe is to create an apocalypse. Creating an apocalypse will get you some attention. There’s…
27. Monsters Like the Full Moon
26. Monsters Like Weak-Ankled Women
25. Monsters Like Coooookies
24. Monsters Like Ancient Curses from Antiquated Gods

The world has now settled on a few religions with whitewashed deities and spirits. Nobody seems to worship the antiquated creators anymore. And these gods are pissed. Several millennia ago, you couldn’t go anywhere without praising or invoking the name Amon-Ra. I mean, he was frickin’ everywhere. These angry gods,…