Category: Stuff Monsters Like
These posts are related to stuff monsters like. Imagine that….
574. Monsters Like Confronting Our Past
573. Monsters Like Surprise Gender Reveals
572. Monsters Like Statistically Improbable Deaths

Statistically probable deaths are so boring. They’re ubiquitous. Most people will die from a predictable and probable death. These include heart disease, cancer, diabetes, strokes, and Alzheimer’s disease. Mostly brought on by lack of exercise, bad diet, or bad genetics. Most people you know, including yourself, will die from one…
571. Monsters Like Moving to Ironically Named Locations
570. Monsters Like Random Title Generators
569. Monsters Like Showmanship

An impeccable wardrobe. Inventive sexual encounters. The best club drugs the Korean underground has to offer. Impromptu musical performances. Sexy accents. Wealth beyond measure. Thorough manscaping. Making a memorable entrance. After millennia of offering favors to aspiring artists and performers, you begin to understand a little about what the public…