Asheville “Supers” on a Mission

296357_127239357378055_100002759749310_111411_750532575_nAsheville has everything. So, it’s about time we finally get our very own superhero.

His name is the Crimson Tie. But he’s not a Stan Lee creation.

He is an anonymous local who crusades against bullies, crime, and hunger.

You might see him and his fellow mates patrolling your street. He wears a jet black vest, and of course, a blood red tie. And a mask to cover his eyes to protect his real identity.

But that is only part of the mission and the story.

Crimson Tie 2The Crimson Tie, along with his crime-fighting partner Captain Helpful, fights for justice … and equality in human living standards. They are currently raising money to buy winter blankets and food for the homeless. The heroes are looking for others to join the quest. Community service is hard work, and many hands are needed.

Asheville’s crimson crime-fighter materialized when his alter ego had a close brush with a shark, resulting in a scary encounter, but luckily only some minor injuries. The incident got him thinking about his life. He always wanted to do something good for the world. He loved superheroes, and the color red. Voila. A superhero emerged.

DischordBut beware. Every superhero needs a super villain and the Crimson Tie is no different.

His masked enemy is named Discord, and this evildoer only wants to upset the current harmony of Asheville.

If you happen to see these masked men on the streets of Asheville, stop and say “Hello.” Perhaps you can get involved with helping the community.

Or for more information, look up “The Real Life Super Hero Project” online.


mtnxphoto.finalSarah and Jim took a break from focusing on monsters to focus on what is sure to be a community uprising of heroes. To read more about them and what they write for SML, just take a look around the rest of the site.


Our monster mascots help us with our evil schemes, as well as taking care of chores around the mansion. From writing press releases to collaborating on blog posts, this blog would not exist without them.

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