We’ll See You at GeekOut this Weekend!

Asheville’s own weekend-long convention of fun and fandom is only a few days away. Grab your tickets and costume. It only comes around once a year.

GeekOut returns to the Sherrill Center at UNC Asheville June 6-8th with plenty to offer anyone in the family. There will be puppets, superheroes, costumes, and yes, a little blood, thanks to your favorite monster bloggers from Stuff Monsters Like.

It’ll be madness. The Carolina Ghostbusters are bringing Ecto-1. There will be robots, and a Tardis.

Did I mention the wedding? Uh, yeah, we don’t want to give too much away, but a happy couple have decided that GeekOut 2014 in Asheville is the perfect time and place to tie the knot.

Come see Stuff Monsters Like Saturday, June 7, at 11am in room 406, as we get to the bottom of some of the best and worst vampires in film and TV history. And yes, we will “drive” a stake through the heart of Dracula. There will be prizes for the best “Van Helsing” in the bunch.

But there’s so much more. Famous people, panels, LARPing (What’s LARPing, you ask? If you don’t know, you need to come see it. You’ll love it.), and probably lots of surprises.

This is the con’s third year, and it has definitely grown since it first started. So come out, bring your family, bring your costume, bring your kids.

No one leaves without a smile.

$30 covers your admission for the entire weekend. What a deal! Kids tickets are even way cheaper. For more information about the event and how to buy tickets, visit GeekOutAVL.org.

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Our monster mascots help us with our evil schemes, as well as taking care of chores around the mansion. From writing press releases to collaborating on blog posts, this blog would not exist without them.

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