Your parents are away for the weekend. Your friend’s cousin’s older brother has agreed to buy you booze in exchange for a shot at the cheer leading captain. It’s a Friday night at the end of the school year.
You’re gonna par-tay!
Rumors are circulating around school. This is going to be the party of the decade. Invitations are open, and everyone who’s anyone will be there.
That’s right. That means the football team, the skanky girls with low self esteem, the high school drug lords, that girl from your chemistry class who you’ve had a crush on since freshman year and finally might have a shot with (fingers crossed!). And me, your friendly neighborhood psycho killer.
Thanks for inviting me. Or, I guess, not UN-inviting me. Everybody always ignored me when I was in high school. That is, unless they were making fun of me. It made me angry. But not you guys. You’re happy that I’m coming, right?
Because if you’re not, I just don’t know what I’d do….
Is this a costume party? I’ve got this cool mask I wanted to wear.

Where’s the bean dip?