A million eyes? Looks more like six to us. Something seems to have a really augmented view of their own monster body.
Look. You’re awesome just the way you are. You’re terrifying even if you don’t have a million eyes.
Our advice is that you should just accept your half-dozen eyes and love every one of them.
Trust us. The Beast With Six Eyes is still just as frightening.

Jim MacKenzie is an amateur futurist on his way to guru-hood. He studied journalism and works in television. Jim writes for several blogs, including The Incredible Vanishing Paperweight and the satirical horror site StuffMonsterslike.com. Jim and his SML co-blogger, Sarah Giavedoni, have started a holiday, ticked off celebrities and tried to purchase the lunar surface.
In his spare time, Jim likes listening to rock music, reading, giving away free books at his nonprofit "The POP Project" and trying to catch the real Thomas Wolfe Home arsonist.