Greetings, my new neighbor. I’m the lonely, creepy old man who lives in the dark castle at the end of your road.
I like to meet all my new neighbors. . . after sundown. You’re really going to like it here. Nice schools, good parks, lots of adequate streetlights. Just bunches of swell people in this neighborhood.
Now, if you could just invite me inside, I’m sure we could all become more acquainted.

Jim MacKenzie is an amateur futurist on his way to guru-hood. He studied journalism and works in television. Jim writes for several blogs, including The Incredible Vanishing Paperweight and the satirical horror site Jim and his SML co-blogger, Sarah Giavedoni, have started a holiday, ticked off celebrities and tried to purchase the lunar surface.
In his spare time, Jim likes listening to rock music, reading, giving away free books at his nonprofit "The POP Project" and trying to catch the real Thomas Wolfe Home arsonist.