A hearty congratulations to the esteemed recipients of the 208th Annual Monstey Awards!
The 2013 Monstey Awards winners are:
Friend to Monsters Monstey Award
Stuff Monsters Like formally thanks you for your tireless efforts to support monster-kind in Asheville and beyond.
Bill Murray
Best Death Scene while Playing Himself – Zombieland
Stuff Monsters Like formally commends you for your noteworthy and memorable performance in the 2009 film “Zombieland.”
Bill Oberst, Jr.
Great Historical Monster Moments – Abraham Lincoln vs. Zombies
Stuff Monsters Like formally commends you for your noteworthy and memorable performance in the 2012 film “Abraham Lincoln vs. Zombies.”
Walter Slonopas
Marked by Monsters Award
Stuff Monsters Like formally acknowledges the trials caused by your tax form, and apologizes for all the bother.
Congratulations to all our winners!
Please send your congratulations to each of this year’s winners!
To nominate someone for a 2014 Monstey Award, email us at stuffmonsterslike@gmail.com.